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We assist people to make incredible puppets of various types in group workshops.

Our work is crafted specifically for the people we meet. We...


  1. design and make shadow and box puppets

  2. interactively write and perform puppet theatre

  3. enable English language learning through shows and song

  4. paint murals

  5. foster ecological education through performances or workshops

We run workshops in social centres, communities and more; in Greece and beyond!

We work with refugees, the elderly, young children and young people, adults, the disabled.

Patrick is an artist from Sheffield

Robin is a youth worker from London


We started the Travelling Shadow Puppets together in the winter of 2016


We both currently live in Athens, Greece

about us

what we do


We also run one-to-one or smaller group art therapy workshops, tutoring people in making their own soft puppets.

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